Full text in Serbian only
Mevlida ĐUVIĆ
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Tuzla
UDC: 821.163.4.09-3 Обреновић-Делибашић В. 821.163.4:316.75
The Prose of Vera Obradović-Delibašić (Narrative of Revolution: the Birthplaces of Women’s Emancipation?)
This paper deals with the opus of the relatively unexplored writer Vera Obrenović-Delibašić (1906), who participated in the Bosnian Herzegovinian literary life between two world wars by writing mostly poetry and short stories. After the war, she published novels which were focused on people’s uprising and antifascist fight (Kroz Ničiju Zemlju in 1948 and 1959, Višnja iz Ničije Zemlje in 1971), as well as short stories (Zore nad mahalama in 1955). It is precisely this prose and the narrative of revolution and the revolutionary times that this paper will focus on, with the aim of exploring the story of the national liberation struggle through the issue of the emancipatory potential of her stories and the (r) evolutions they represent. The symbolic discourse of reality of a time, an ideology, a culture, society and history is questioned in the paper. The question that is being asked is: Does this prose set in motion, by narrating a revolution, possible scenarios of emancipation of the individual from the patrilinear community which, in its antifascist aims, revolutionises its ways of life? And if so, what models of freedom, truth or justice does it offer when it comes to women’s position in that world? Is there such a representation to be found at all in this prose? In other words: How are models of gender, home, homeland, and freedom represented in the prose of Vera Obrenović-Delibašić when a woman’s name stands next to these formulas of meaning?
revolution, emancipation, gender, home, identity
Mevlida Đuvić
Filozofski fakultet
UDK: 821.163.4.09-3 Обреновић-Делибашић В. 821.163.4:316.75
Proza Vere Obrenović-Delibašić (narativ revolucije: rodna mjesta ženske emancipacije?)[1]
U radu se polazi od proznog opusa relativno neistražene književnice Vere Obrenović-Delibašić (1906) koja je sudjelovala u bosanskohercegovačkom književnom životu između dva svjetska rata, pišući većinom poeziju i pripovijetke, da bi nakon rata objavljivala romane tematski usmjerene na narodni ustanak i antifašističku borbu (Kroz Ničiju zemlju 1948. i 1950, Višnja iz Ničije zemlje 1971), kao i pripovijetke (Zore nad mahalama 1955). Upravo ta proza i narativ revolucije primarni je interes ovog rada, uz nastojanje da se priča o narodnooslobodilačkoj borbi istraži u fokusu pitanja o emancipirajućim potencijalima priče i njome reprezentirane (r)evolucije. U radu se propituje simbolički diskurs realnosti jednog vremena, jedne ideologije, kulture, društva ili povijesti. Postavlja se pitanje pokreće li ta proza, pripovijedajući revoluciju, ujedno i moguće scenarije emancipacije pojedinca od patrilinearne zajednice koja u antifašističkom nastojanju revolucionira i svoje načine života, i ako to čini, kakve modele slobode, istine ili pravde nudi kad je u pitanju status žene u tom svijetu. Ima li uopšte takvog zastupanja u ovoj prozi? Drugim riječima: kako se u prozi Vere Obrenović- Delibašić reprezentiraju modeli roda, doma, domovine, slobode kada uz te formule smisla stoji ime žene?
revolucija, emancipacija, rod, dom, identitet