
Faculty of Philosophy
University of Tuzla

UDC: 821.163.4(497.6).09-31 Мусабеговић Ј.

Original scientific article

Switches – the Rhetoric of Hetero-history in History: Politics/Ethics of Surviving and the (Im)possibility of Coding Home

This paper analyzes the novel Jasmina Musabegović wrote in 1986. The path of identification through coding female gender means going back home, but only after it has been decontaminated ideologically. Bearing in mind that every topos represents a point in cultural discourse and that rails represent borders and perspectives of gender and cultural prefiguration, what we are interested in is whether Fatima is active in chaotic historical time-space, situated within those transitional topoi (period between the two wars and during WWII); are switches a skeptically colored, failed trope which cannot be transcoded onto female gender, since she lives a life of statics and not a life of changeability, or Fatima’s reversibility towards home tells us about the need for acknowledging the stigmatically and conventionally secondary topologies in authenticating oneself? Is the narrator, disregarding the fragile, but present poly-glossia, imprisoned in her own andro-text, corresponding with the following: what is the position of a woman in collective identification and strong positioning, can a woman be a formalized subject in history, and/or she follows a different path of identity coding through family politics/poly-ethics, togetherness, caring? In other words, doesn’t Switches omit unexpectedly, but intentionally Fatima’s settling down in the historical space, enabling her to preserve her self, without its isolation, but through protecting it in the difference of the marginal, leaving room for the empty (De Certau)?


H(h)istory, home, identity (identification), gender, agency

Full text in Serbian only

Mirela Berbić-Imširović
Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Tuzli
Odsjek za bosanski jezik i književnost

UDK: 821.163.4(497.6).09-31 Мусабеговић Ј.

Оригинални научни чланак

Skretnice Jasmine Musabegović – retorika hetero-povijesti u Povijesti: politika/etika preživljavanja i (ne)moguće kodiranje doma

Rad se bavi čitanjem romana Skretnice bosanskohercegovačke spisateljice Jasmine Musabegović, napisanog 1986. godine. Radnja romana smještena je u međuratni i period Drugog svjetskog rata, a prati s jedne strane raspad begovske porodice i klasnog jakog identiteta, a na drugoj nadolazeću naraciju o konstituiranju građanstva i jednog novog unitarnog (nad)nacionalnog identiteta u momentima kada se tokom ratnog vremena formira antifašistički, partizanski pokret otpora. Dodatno se zapletena bosanskohercegovačka politika identifikacijā komplikuje, jer se narativ provlači kroz žensko, feminilno iskustvo glavne junakinje Fatime, koje u tekstu postaje mjesto razlikovanja i mjesto subverzije, kako Povijesti, tako i svih hijerarhizirajućih ideologija kodiranja sopstva. Naspram njih postavljamo topologiju doma, a cilj je ispitati da li reverzibilnost domu govori nešto i o potrebi priznavanja stigmatski i konvencijski sekundarne topologije u autentizaciji sopstva? Ujedno, rad postavlja tezu o ambivalentnosti narativa: mitizacija ženske uloge, majke-čuvarice doma u ratnom (ne)vremenu vis-a-vis pitanje samoizbora, tj. onoga što Džudit Batler (Judith Butler) naziva agensnost i kapacitet djelovanja.

Кључне речи:

P(p)ovijest, dom, identiteti(-fikacijē), rod, agensnost

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