As announced in the program, the women`s texts were approached from the perspectives of authorship and reception in the following sessions: “Networks and Genealogies, “Male-Female Transvesting”, “Evaluating Women Authors, “Norms and Exceptions” and “Gender vs. National Identities”. The concluding lecture by Suzan van Dijk underlined the subversiveness of „normal“ activities, such as embroidery. In addition, Belgrade conference opened a new perspective in the reception of European women writers in the Far East – Japan, in the first place. The keynote lecture on multiculturalism by Aleksandra Vraneš and Ele Carpenter’s Open Source Embroidery Project brought up important issues within the wider theoretical frame of cultural studies.
International female networks
Belgrade Workshop of COST Action IS 0901, Women Writers in History
From April 14th until April 16th Faculty of Philology (University of Belgrade) hosted the Workshop of COST Action IS 0901, Women Writers in History, entitled International Female Networks. The MC meeting, which preceded the event, was held on April 13th at the same Faculty. 25 experts from various European universities and institutes, as well as the members of Serbian research project Knjiženstvo - theory and history of women`s writing in Serbian up to 1915, took part in the workshop.
As announced in the program, the women`s texts were approached from the perspectives of authorship and reception in the following sessions: “Networks and Genealogies, “Male-Female Transvesting”, “Evaluating Women Authors, “Norms and Exceptions” and “Gender vs. National Identities”. The concluding lecture by Suzan van Dijk underlined the subversiveness of „normal“ activities, such as embroidery. In addition, Belgrade conference opened a new perspective in the reception of European women writers in the Far East – Japan, in the first place. The keynote lecture on multiculturalism by Aleksandra Vraneš and Ele Carpenter’s Open Source Embroidery Project brought up important issues within the wider theoretical frame of cultural studies.
International female networks
Belgrade Workshop of COST Action IS 0901, Women Writers in History
На Филолошком факултету Универзитета у Београду, од 14. до 16. априла 2011, одржан је међународни скуп, радионица COST акције IS0901, Women Writers in History, под називом Међународне женске мреже (International Female Networks). Скупу је претходио састанак управног одбора (Management Committee), одржан у среду, 13. априла, такође на Филолошком факултету у Београду.У радионици је учествовало 25 гостију са универзитета и института широм Европе, као и 15 сталних чланица COST акције IS0901 за Србију, односно, са пројекта Министарства за образовање и науку Републике Србије број 178029, под називом Књиженство - теорија и историја женске књижевности на српском језику до 1915. године.